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Located in the Student Achievement Center on the Youngwood Campus
Use OneSearch or other Library databases before using Google (or any other search engine) or artificial intelligence like ChatGPT.

But if you're going to use Google:

Tip: If you want to remove AI from a Google Search, add -ai to your search.

Keyword Searching

  • Keywords, also called search terms, are words that you enter into a database searchbox. 
  • Don't give up after one search! It may take several searches to determine which keywords work best for your topic.
  • Library databases look for the exact words that you enter in the searchbox.
  • As you type in words, you will be offered a choice of popular terms below the searchbox.
  • Systems are usually set to find all your search terms and automatically add the word AND in between them.
  • Keep your phrase together by using quotes, for example "social media"

Examples of Keywords

Thesis: Should social media companies selectively censor what people post?

Keywords: "social media"

Thesis: Should smoking be banned in all public places?

Keywords: "secondhand smoke"
                  "passive smoking"
                  "smoking bans"

Cyber Security Quick Reference Guide


Truncation allows you to search any ending on a root word.

For example, if your topic includes the word vaccine, then you may also want to search:

  • vaccine
  • vaccines
  • vaccination

To truncate and search the root word vaccine with any ending type: vaccin*

Use truncation carefully. For example, vac* would return results about vacations or vacuum cleaners!

Westmoreland County Community College Library - Student Achievement Center, 145 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, PA 15697
Phone: 724-925-4100 | | Library Hours | D2L | FAQs
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