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Located in the Student Achievement Center on the Youngwood Campus
These are guidelines. Follow your instructor's rules!
If you use an AI tool that cites sources, go to those sources and cite them rather than the AI itself.
  • Look for a Cite or Citation feature in the databases you use.
  • Don't accept the citation without reviewing it and making any necessary corrections before using. Pay special attention to personal names, capitalization, and dates.         
In Credo Reference:


In A-Z the World or A-Z: World Food:


Cite Images

If you are unsure of the source of an image or have doubts about its authenticity, use a reverse image tool like TinEyeFotoForensics, or Google Images (click on the camera icon).

References to images can be captions or citations.

  • Captions contain a description of the image and a credit line.
  • Citations contain more details so the viewer can locate the image.
  • Some captions do both - they serve as both the caption and citation.
  •  If citing an image found using a search engine like Google, cite the original source – not Google.

Locate the following information about the image:

  • Image creator's name (artist, photographer, etc.)
  • Title of the image
  • Date the image (or work represented by the image) was created
  • Institution (gallery, museum) where the image is located / owned (if applicable)
  • Date of access (the date you accessed the online image)
  • Website and/or Database name
  • URL
  • Copyright date and holder or status

Examples of Image Citations

 In the Summerhouse                

 Fig. 1. George Tooker, In the Summerhouse,
 Smithsonian American Art Museum.

In Person
Tooker, George. In the Summerhouse. 1958, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC.

Tooker, George. In the Summerhouse. 1958, Smithsonian American Art Museum. Great Art, by Alfred E. Artist, Art Publishers, 2020, p.28.

Library Image Database
Tooker, George. In the Summerhouse. 1958, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC. Art Image Collection. Accessed 24 May 2020.
(If it's in an article, you can just cite the entire article.)

Tooker, George. In the Summerhouse. 1958. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Accessed 24 May 2020.
(In this case, Smithsonian American Art Museum is the name of the website.)


 In the Summerhouse

Figure 1. In the Summerhouse, by G. Tooker, 1958.

In Person or on Website
Even in person, provide a link to the artwork on the museum website if available.
Tooker, G. (1958). In the Summerhouse [Painting]. The Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, United States.

Tooker, G. (1958). In the Summerhouse [Painting]. Reproduced in Artist, A.E. (2020). Great Art (p. 28). Art Publishers.

Cite the entire article. Do not cite the database used to retrieve the article.



cat face inside bread slice

Cat breading by pinguino k is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

An attribution is less formal than a citation.

It is often used for presentations or papers or other formats that do not require a formal citation style.


"Attributing Sources" --  advice from Creative Commons (scroll down)


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