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Located in the Student Achievement Center on the Youngwood Campus

Statistics Every Writer Should Know

Print Book: Medical Statistics

Dataset Search

"Across the web, there are millions of datasets about nearly any subject that interests you. If you’re looking to buy a puppy, you could find datasets compiling complaints of puppy buyers or studies on puppy cognition. Or if you like skiing, you could find data on revenue of ski resorts or injury rates and participation numbers. Dataset Search has indexed almost 25 million of these datasets, giving you a single place to search for datasets and find links to where the data is."

Noy, N. (2020, January 23). Discovering millions of datasets on the web

A Note About Health Statistics Sites

Some US government health websites and data are not currently available. There is no perfect alternative to government databases, but some non-governmental organizations have their own datasets, which can be useful. This article contains a list of alternative sources of health data that will continue to be updated.

Statistics Sites A-Z

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